Sunflower Gourd Patch

The Sunflower (Kansas) Gourd Patch is part of the Show Me Gourd Society. The group invites you to come and join them. The more the merrier!

Please contact Rhonda Kesner at for definite information regarding meeting dates.

The Kansas Sunflower Gourders met in Wichita in June. About 13 of us met at JoAnn’s house and had a great time sharing completed projects and some in process. Rhonda brought supplies to try our hand at alcohol inks and Apoxie Sculpt. We got so involved we forgot to take pictures.

Our next meeting is Aug 17th at the Kansas Originals shop near Wilson, KS. We will set up in tables of 2 or 3, and work on different techniques. The KS Originals is promoting the day and hopefully we’ll have some people stop by to ask questions and learn about Gourd Art.

We have a new member that we’ll meet in Wilson. Leo has been doing gourd art for a long time and based on a few pictures he sent, he is very talented. We look forward to meeting him and seeing his art.

Rhonda has been sharing pictures of her growing gourds. It’s her first attempt and as of now, she has 28 BIG gourds growing. Only time will tell if the season will be long enough to harden them off.


Gourd Society questions? Contact: Madonna Watermon, SMGS president

 SMGS Website questions? Contact: Lynda Roberson



copyright 2022 Show Me Gourd Society