Festival Competition Categories, Divisions, and Entry Classes

How to enter gourd artwork into the 2024 competition:

Things to know for 2024

  • Two entries by the same artist will be accepted in all competition classes.
  • First, Second, and Third Place honors will be awarded to classes. It is possible for an artist to win two awards in one class if they enter two pieces into that class.
  • Special Awards for 2024 Festival:
    • Artistic Expression (1 per Young Artist, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Masters)
    • People’s Choice Award
    • SMGS President’s Award
    • SMGS Vice President’s Award
    • Mayor’s Award
    • Best of Show/Artists of the Year
  • All crafting and artistic work must be done by the artist unless otherwise stated.
  • Gourds may be purchased for crafting and should be of good quality.
  • If the gourd is cut (opened), it must be cleaned and finished on the inside as well as on the outside. If there is a stem, it must also be cleaned and finished.
  • Edges of any open gourd may be finished to compliment the gourd design.
  • Unless attached directly to the gourd art piece as part of the design, bases and stands will not be judged.
  • Due to the continuous development of crafting embellishments and products, unless specifically stated in a class description, natural and artificial items are allowed. If an embellishment or product is used that judges may not be familiar with, please explain on back of entry card. Use of natural products and accessories is always preferred and may influence judging, especially in the case of a tie.
    • Natural accessories include wood, dried plant material, seeds, shells, stones, sand, antlers, feathers (NOT from endangered species), wool, cotton, clay, metal, etc.
    • Artificial accessories include plastics or synthetic man-made materials like paint, resin, glass, and artificial sinew. 
    • A clear finish such as wax, varnish, polyurethane, or resin is acceptable on all crafted entries. 
  • For protection of everyone's entries, use of liquids (like water in fountain displays) will not be allowed. Photographs showing water flowing may be posted with entry.
  • New for this year! Gourd art which was entered more than 5 years ago in a SMGS festival competition can be entered this year under the following conditions.
    • No matter what division or class it was previously entered into, the piece must be entered into your current standard division in a current class. 
    • It cannot have won any of the Special Awards (Artistic Recognition, Best of Show, People’s Choice, President’s Award, Vice President’s Award, or Mayor’s Award)
    • Piece may or may not have been altered from its previous form.
  • · Competition Entry Fees
    • Pre-festival Registration—SMGS Members = $4.00 per entry, Non SMGS Members = $6.00 per entry
    • Walk-in Festival Registration—SMGS Members = $6.00 per entry, Non SMGS Members = $8.00 per entry
    • Young Artist—Pre-festival and Walk-in entry is free.
  • · Check-in for competition entries is Friday, June 28 between 11:00 am and 4:30 pm. 
    • Check-in attendants will confer with participant for placement; however, judges may see things differently.
    • Once judging starts, judges will not move a piece to new division or class, however if judges feel that does not fit into the entered class, they may move the entry to a unjudged display area. This allows the art to be entered again next year in the correct category and/or class.
    • On entry tag, artist can indicate if they are not willing to have their piece moved during the judging process. If moving is not allowed, judges will judge according to the entered class or the piece may be disqualified. If they are disqualified, they will not be able to re-enter the gourd next year.

Category 1: Crafted Gourds

Judging Points for ALL Crafted Gourds

  • 50% Workmanship:  skill, technique and attention to detail
  • 40% Creativity:  originality and impact of design; use of color and line; enhancement of gourds natural beauty and shape.
  • 10% Gourd Quality:  gourd variety, size, shape and structure “fit” well with the overall design used.

The Crafted Gourds Category is for entries that are have been altered/crafted, from their dried, natural state. This category is divided into five divisions: Young Artist, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Master. The SMGS standard rule has been that an individual may enter into only one of the five divisions within the Crafted Gourds Category; and within that division they may enter unlimited classes with up to two projects per class. This will be referred to as the artist’s standard division.


New this year! Artist may enter into a crafted gourd division outside their standard division under the following circumstances:

  1. Artist is trying a new (to them) technique.
    If an artist is trying a technique which is out of their wheelhouse of skills, they can enter 1 or 2 pieces into a Technique Based Class in a division one step below their standard division. 

a. They cannot have won any ribbons for this specific technique in previous years. 

b. An artists may choose to do this for one Technique Based Class per competition.

c. Artist cannot enter one class in two divisions (example: Color Techniques in both Intermediate and Advanced). 

d. This exception does not apply to Theme Based Classes.


2. Artist wishes to enter a class which is not offered in their standard division.

a. In this case an artist may enter a piece at a division above their standard division.

b. Example: Artist’s standard division is Novice, but they wish to enter a piece into the class Cut/Filigree. To do so they may enter it into the Intermediate division, Cut/Filigree.

3. Artist skills have changed. 

a. Life happens and we want to help everyone continue to enjoy their gourd art. If for any reason you are no longer capable of competing within your previous standard crafted gourds division, please contact the competition chair to evaluate together. 

b. Example: Artist has competed for years in the Master Division. Their major wheelhouse has always been carving. After developing severe respiratory issues and arthritis, they can no longer carve. They choose to learn new skills so their work with gourds can continue. After consultation with the competition chair, they enter their new art pieces into the Intermediate Division.


A description of each of the Crafted Gourds Divisions and entry classes follow. It is the responsibility of each individual artist to make certain that their entries are placed into the correct Division. If there are questions, they should consult with the entry check-in attendants.

Crafted Gourds — Young Artist Division (YA)

The Young Artist Division is divided into Gourd Crafting Competition Classes based on age. This Division is for youth up to 18 years. The goal of the Young Artist Division is to introduce young people to the "world of gourds" and the wide variety of crafting that is possible using gourds. A young person who feels they can compete at a higher level is welcome to do so and will need to abide by the requirements for that specific division, however artist MUST choose only one division to enter and cannot return to the Young Artist Division after entering.  

  • The Young Artist Division is divided into Gourd Crafting Competition Classes based on age. The age groups in the Young Artist Division are: 5 and under, 6–8 years, 9–11 years, 12–14 years and 15–18 years. 
  • Each artist may enter up to two pieces in their age class.
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons as well as “participation” ribbons will be awarded in each age group of the Young Artist Division.
  • All work must be done by the artist.
  • Bases/Stands may be made by an adult to help display gourds or to help them stand on the table securely and will not be judged. Adults may also assist in the use of power tools for cleaning and cutting.
  • The Young Artist Division is not restricted to natural embellishments only. Artists are free to use any items on the gourd to complete their project. The gourd must remain predominant.
  • K-12 art teachers, 4-H leaders, Scout troop leaders and parents are encouraged to plan “gourd art projects” for young people that can result in entries in this Gourd Festival.
  • Young Artist groups may also enter into the Collaborative Class without jeopardizing their Young Artist Division status. 

Young Artist Entry Classes

  • YA-1 Five-years old and under 
  • YA-2 Six–Eight years old
  • YA-3 Nine–Eleven years old
  • YA-4 Twelve–Fourteen years old
  • YA-5 Fifteen–Eighteen years old*

*Young Artists Ages Fifteen–Eighteen Years Old are encouraged to enter into the Novice Division. This provides opportunity for the creativity and guidance of more classes to enter. Young Artist must choose between YA-5 or Novice Divisions. They may not enter into both. There will still be no fee for entries. 


Young Artists can enter up to two pieces within their age group. Artwork entries can be a crafted gourd using any theme and any technique. Entries may have been created through the help of guided instruction.


The following themes are suggested to get creative ideas flowing.

  • 2024 Theme “Gone Fishing” 
  • Creatures of the Land, Sea, or Air
  • Functional Art (vase, bowl, musical instrument, toy, etc.)
  • Holidays/Seasons

Crafted Gourds — Novice Division

The Novice Division is for gourd crafters/artists that are relatively new to gourd crafting. They have not sold gourds and have not taught a gourd class for a fee. Artists over 18 years old may enter into the Novice Division for three years. After three years they MUST move up to the Intermediate Division or above. An artist can always choose to move up a division at any time. It is not necessary to enter the Novice Division if you feel you are working at a higher level. Entries into the Novice Division may have been created through guided project instruction.  If you win Best of Show, you MUST move up to the Master Craftsman Division.


Novice Classes Based on Techniques


N-1 Color Techniques/Painted Artwork is created on gourd with coloring techniques (acrylic, enamel, oil, colored pencils, watercolors, stains, inks, dyes). 


N-2 Pyrography (woodburning) with or without color Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography without any color or pyrography with color (ink, dye, paint, colored pencils). 

N-3 Carving Chipped, chiseled, or power-carved to create texture and dimension on the gourd surface. Design does not penetrate or cut entirely through the gourd shell.


N-4 Clay Works Any type of air-dry clay, oven baked clay, or epoxy clay may be used to create a 3-dimensional piece. Other techniques may be used to complement the design but clay work must predominate. Photos of creative process are required to the show steps of gourd and clay work.


N-5 Fiber Works Any natural material may be used to create coiling, weaving, pine needle or philodendron edging, Tenerife, etc. Color may be added to the gourd and natural embellishments may be added to compliment the fiber work design.


N-6 Combination of Techniques Any theme; at least 3 different techniques must be used. MUST submit a list of the techniques used, to be displayed with your entry.


N-7 Sculpture or Assemblage The joining or combining of one or more gourds (in whole or pieces) to make a three-dimensional sculpture, or entry.  The entry should be designed and assembled to be seen from different sides.  The design should be with the gourd predominating.  Clay or wood filler may be used in sculpting and on the gourd surface and should cover no more than 30% of the gourd surface.  Additional techniques may be used to complete the design and limited embellishments may be added. Photos of building process are recommended for judges.


Novice Classes Based on Themes


N-8 Bowl or Vase Any combination of techniques and embellishments allowed. Can be functional or decorative.


N-9 Creatures of the Land, Sea, or Air Any technique is allowed. Entries can depict a realistic theme of creatures such as animals, people, fish, and birds or a more magical, supernatural theme like dragons, wizards, and bizarre creatures.


N-10 Miniature Any technique. Gourd (including stem and embellishments) must be three inches or less in height, length, and width. Jewelry and holiday items are not allowed.


N-11 Holidays and/or Seasons Artwork represents things associated with specific seasons. These include winter, spring, summer, and fall. This includes but is not limited to, holidays within those seasons. Any combination of techniques and embellishments (natural and man-made) may be used.


N-12 Wearable Jewelry, hats, purses, belts, etc. Any combination of techniques. Sets (such as jewelry) MUST be displayed in a box, case, on a board or stand together. The method of display will not be judged. Masks are not included in this category.


N-13 My Way! Your unique gourd crafting that fits no other competition class in the Novice division. This class will be judged on the unique character and design of the crafted gourd; use of new and/or unusual techniques, accessories, or embellishments; artistic impact; and skilled workmanship. 


N-14 “Gone Fishing” 2024 Theme Gourd art focuses on the festival theme for the year. Any combination of techniques and any embellishments are allowed.

Crafted Gourds — Intermediate Division

This Division is for crafters/artists that understand and use basic techniques.  They may have sold gourds but have not taught a gourd class for a fee. If they have won 10 blue ribbons at the Intermediate Division, they MUST move up to the Advanced Division.  If they have won Best of Show they MUST move up to the Masters Division.  You may enter a higher Division if you feel you are working at the next level.  


Intermediate Entry Classes Based on Techniques


I-1 Color Techniques/Painted Artwork is created on gourd with coloring techniques (acrylic, enamel, oil, colored pencils, watercolors, stains, inks, dyes). 


I-2 Pyrography (woodburning) with or without color Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography without any color or pyrography with color (ink, dye, paint, colored pencils). 


I-3 Carving Chipped, chiseled, or power-carved to create texture and dimension on the gourd surface. Design does not penetrate or cut entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


I-4 Cut/Filigree or Fretwork Design that cuts entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


I-5 Clay Works Any type of air-dry clay, oven baked clay, or epoxy clay may be used to create a 3-dimensional piece. Other techniques may be used to complement the design but clay work must predominate. Photos of creative process are required to the show steps of gourd and clay work.


I-6 Coiling (Open, Closed, Floating) Technique involves the use of a core and a binder material for wrapping and/or stitching the core material to the gourd or a previous row of coiling. Materials used to create coiling include pine needles, philodendron sheaths, long grasses, twisted paper, cotton rope, etc. Binder materials commonly used are artificial sinew, waxed linen, and embroidery floss. Coiling design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd and natural embellishments may be added to compliment the coiling design. Must not include weaving.


I-7 Weaving A weaving pattern can be a simple over one, under one weaving with one or more types of materials to more advanced patterns with twill, twining or other advanced techniques. Weaving design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd.  This class includes Tenerife (weaving with threads) but does not include coiling, kumihimo, or braiding. 


I-8 Sculpture or Assemblage The joining or combining of one or more gourds (in whole or pieces) to make a three-dimensional sculpture, or entry.  The entry should be designed and assembled to be seen from different sides.  The design should be with the gourd predominating.  Clay or wood filler may be used in sculpting and on the gourd surface and should cover no more than 30% of the gourd surface.  Additional techniques may be used to complete the design and limited embellishments may be added. Photos of building process are recommended for judges.


I-9 Combination of Techniques Any theme; at least 3 different techniques must be used. MUST submit a list of the techniques used to be displayed with your entry.


Intermediate Entry Classes Based on Theme


I-10 Bowl or Vase Any combination of techniques and embellishments allowed. Can be functional or decorative.


I-11 Covered Container Lid may be part of the gourd or constructed from other materials; any combination of techniques.


I-12 Creatures of the Land, Sea, or Air Any technique is allowed. Entries can depict ¬¬a realistic theme of creatures such as animals, people, fish, and birds or a more magical, supernatural theme like dragons, wizards, and bizarre creatures.


I-13 Lamp Functional with electrical insert; base, column, and/or shade may be made from a gourd. Some components of the lamp may be from wood, metal, or may be purchased; any combination of techniques. Gourd must predominate.


I-14 Luminary Cut-through gourd design with light source insert; any combination of techniques. A luminary is judged on its reflection of light design in a darkened room. A photo should be included showing the lighted luminary in a darkened room. Quality of illumination will impact judge’s decision.


I-15 Miniature Any technique. Gourd (including stem and embellishments) must be three inches or less in height, length, and width. (Jewelry and holiday items are not allowed.)


I-16 Ethnic/Cultural Designs that incorporate cultural, tribal, historical or ceremonial motifs. Examples: Native American, southwest, oriental, African, etc. Any combination of techniques is allowed.


I-17 Holidays and/or Seasons Artwork represents things associated with specific seasons. These include winter, spring, summer, and fall. This includes but is not limited to, holidays within those seasons. Any combination of techniques and embellishments (natural and man-made) may be used.


I-18 Wearable Jewelry, hats, purses, belts, etc. Any combination of techniques. Sets (such as jewelry) MUST be displayed in a box, case, on a board or stand. The method of display will not be judged. Masks are not included in this category.


I-19 Wall Hangings Masks, wreaths, clocks, quilts, or other hanging decorative decor made from gourds. Any techniques and embellishments allowed. Must be ready to hang on the wall or have a stand for display at the show. May be mounted on a board, canvas, or in a frame. 


I-20 Musical Instrument Any combination of technique; must be playable.


I-21 My Way! Your unique gourd crafting that fits no other competition class in the Intermediate division. This class will be judged on the unique character/design of the crafted gourd; use of new and/or unusual techniques, accessories, or embellishments; artistic impact; and skilled workmanship.


I-22 “Gone Fishing” 2024 Theme Gourd art focuses on the festival theme for the year. Any combination of techniques and any embellishments are allowed.


I-23 Workshop Art Gourd art entered in this class has been created through the guidance of an instructor in a workshop, online class, or specific tutorial.


Crafted Gourds — Advanced Division (A)

The Advanced Division is for artists who have progressed to a more complicated level of work. The artist MUST be good at multiple techniques and finishing skills.  All work MUST be the artist’s original design. They may have taught a gourd class for a fee but are not showing their work in fine art galleries and have not won Best of Show. If they have won Best of Show they MUST move up to the Masters Division. 


Advanced Entry Classes Based on Technique


A-1 Color Techniques/Painted Artwork is created on gourd with coloring techniques (acrylic, enamel, oil, colored pencils, watercolors, stains, inks, dyes). 


A-2 Pyrography (woodburning) with color Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography with color (ink, dye, paint, colored pencils) added to compliment the design. Pyrography must predominate. 


A-3 Pyrography (woodburning) only Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography only. No color may be added. Variations come only from the shading, texture, and layering created within the pyrography design itself.


A-4 Carving Chipped, chiseled, or power-carved to create texture and dimension on the gourd surface. Design does not penetrate or cut entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


A-5 Cut/Filigree or Fretwork Design that cuts entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


A-6 Combination Cut and Carved Design combines carved surface texture and dimension with "cut-through-the-shell" work. Pyrography and color may be added but carving and cutting must predominate the design.


A-7 Inlay Any material (stone, shells, beads, wood, metal, cactus fiber, wax, two-part products like "Inlace") is fitted into the carved gourd surface design. Inlay should predominate the design.


A-8 Clay Works Any type of air-dry clay, oven baked clay, or epoxy clay may be used to create a 3-dimensional piece. Other techniques may be used to complement the design but clay work must predominate. Photos of creative process are required to the show steps of gourd and clay work.


A-9 Coiling (Open, Closed, Floating) – Technique involves the use of a core and a binder material for wrapping and/or stitching the core material to the gourd or a previous row of coiling. Materials used to create coiling include pine needles, philodendron sheaths, long grasses, twisted paper, cotton rope, etc. Binder materials commonly used are artificial sinew, waxed linen, and embroidery floss. Coiling design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd and natural embellishments may be added to compliment the coiling design. Must not include weaving.


A-10 Weaving A weaving pattern can be a simple over one, under one weaving with one or more types of materials to more advanced patterns with twill, twining or other advanced techniques. Weaving design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd.  This class includes Tenerife (weaving with threads) but does not include coiling, kumihimo, or braiding. 


A-11 Sculpture or Assemblage The joining or combining of one or more gourds (in whole or pieces) to make a three-dimensional sculpture, or entry.  The entry should be designed and assembled to be seen from different sides.  The design should be with the gourd predominating.  Clay or wood filler may be used in sculpting and on the gourd surface and should cover no more than 30% of the gourd surface.  Additional techniques may be used to complete the design and embellishments may be added. Photos of building process are recommended for judges.


A-12 Faux Look Art piece is created using any available techniques and materials (natural and man-made) to develop a look unique to a specific style or medium. Faux techniques include but are not limited to: faux leather, faux stonework, patina, gold/silver leafing, antiquing, crackle finishes, faux ivory, and faux bead work. 


A-13 Combination of Techniques Any theme; at least 4 different techniques must be used; MUST submit a list of the techniques used, to be displayed with your entry.


Advanced Entry Classes Based on Theme


A-14 Bowl or Vase Any combination of techniques and embellishments allowed. Can be functional or decorative.


A-15 Covered Container Lid may be part of the gourd or constructed from other materials; any combination of techniques.


A-16 Items with Handles: Basket, Pitcher, Teapot, etc. Handles can be made from the base gourd, gourd parts, or other materials such as antler, sticks, and woven fibers.


A-17 Creatures of the Land, Sea, or Air Any technique is allowed. Entries can depict a realistic theme of creatures such as animals, people, fish, and birds or a more magical, supernatural theme like dragons, wizards, and bizarre creatures.


A-18 Gourd Doll/Spirit Figure Constructed entirely of gourds; clay or wood filler may be used to seal or smooth joints); any combination of techniques; accessories are allowed.


A-19 Lamp Functional with electrical insert; base, column, and/or shade may be made from a gourd. Some components of the lamp may be from wood, metal, or may be purchased; any combination of techniques. Gourd must predominate.


A-20 Luminary Cut-through gourd design with light source insert; any combination of techniques. A luminary is judged on its reflection of light design in a darkened room. A photo should be included showing the lighted luminary in a darkened room. Quality of illumination will impact judge’s decision.


A-21 Miniature Any technique. Gourd (including stem and embellishments) must be three inches or less in height, length, and width. (Jewelry and holiday items are not allowed.)


A-22 Ethnic/Cultural Designs that incorporate cultural, tribal, historical or ceremonial motifs. Examples: Native American, southwest, oriental, African, etc. Any combination of techniques is allowed.


A-23 Holidays and/or Seasons Artwork represents things associated with specific seasons. These include winter, spring, summer, and fall. This includes but is not limited to, holidays within those seasons. Any combination of techniques and embellishments (natural and man-made) may be used.


A-24 Wearable Jewelry, hats, purses, belts, etc.  Any combination of techniques. Sets (such as jewelry) MUST be displayed together in a box, case, on a board or stand, but the method of display will not be judged.  Masks are not included in this category as they are categorized with wall hangings.


A-25 Musical Instrument Any combination of techniques; must be playable.


A-26 Wall Hangings Masks, wreaths, clocks, quilts, or other hanging decorative decor made from gourds. Any techniques and embellishments allowed. Must be ready to hang on the wall or have a stand for display at the show. May be mounted on a board, canvas, or in a frame. 


A-27 My Way! Your unique gourd crafting that fits no other competition class in the Advanced division. This class will be judged on the unique character/design of the crafted gourd; use of new and/or unusual techniques, accessories, or embellishments; artistic impact; and skilled workmanship.


A-28 “Gone Fishing” 2024 Theme Gourd art focuses on the festival theme for the year. Any combination of techniques and any embellishments are allowed.


Crafted Gourds — Masters Division

This Division is for artist’s work that shows excellent use of multiple techniques and finishing skills. All work MUST be the artist’s original design. Their work may have been shown in art galleries, may have won top awards in competition or have reached the level of Fine Art.  If you have previously won Best of Show, you MUST enter at the Master Craftsman Division.  First, second, and third place “Master Craftsman” awards will be assigned in each of the Master Craftsman competition classes.


Masters Entry Classes Based on Technique


M-1 Color Techniques/Painted – Artwork is created on gourd with coloring techniques (acrylic, enamel, oil, colored pencils, watercolors, stains, inks, dyes). 


M-2 Pyrography (woodburning) with color – Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography with color (ink, dye, paint, colored pencils) added to compliment the design. Pyrography must predominate. 


M-3 Pyrography (woodburning) only – Artwork is created on gourd using pyrography only. No color may be added. Variations come only from the shading, texture, and layering created within the pyrography design itself.


M-4 Carving – Chipped, chiseled, or power-carved to create texture and dimension on the gourd surface. Design does not penetrate or cut entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


M-5 Cut/Filigree or Fretwork – Design that cuts entirely through the gourd shell. Color may be added.


M-6 Combination Cut and Carved – Design combines carved surface texture and dimension with "cut-through-the-shell" work. Pyrography and color may be added but carving and cutting must predominate the design.


M-7 Inlay – Any material (stone, shells, beads, wood, metal, cactus fiber, wax, two-part products like "Inlace") is fitted into the carved gourd surface design. Inlay should predominate the design.


M-8 Clay Works – Any type of air-dry clay, oven baked clay, or epoxy clay may be used to create a 3-dimensional piece. Other techniques may be used to complement the design but clay work must predominate. Photos of creative process are required to the show steps of gourd and clay work.


M-9 Coiling (Open, Closed, Floating) – Technique involves the use of a core and a binder material for wrapping and/or stitching the core material to the gourd or a previous row of coiling. Materials used to create coiling include pine needles, philodendron sheaths, long grasses, twisted paper, cotton rope, etc. Binder materials commonly used are artificial sinew, waxed linen, and embroidery floss. Coiling design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd and natural embellishments may be added to compliment the coiling design. Must not include weaving.


M-10 Weaving – A weaving pattern can be a simple over one, under one weaving with one or more types of materials to more advanced patterns with twill, twining or other advanced techniques. Weaving design must predominate; however, color may be added to the gourd.  This class includes Tenerife (weaving with threads) but does not include coiling, kumihimo, or braiding. 


M-11 Sculpture or Assemblage – The joining or combining of one or more gourds (in whole or pieces) to make a three-dimensional sculpture, or entry.  The entry should be designed and assembled to be seen from different sides.  The design should be with the gourd predominating.  Clay or wood filler may be used in sculpting and on the gourd surface and should cover no more than 30% of the gourd surface.  Additional techniques may be used to complete the design and embellishments may be added. Photos of building process are recommended for judges.


M-12 Faux Look – Art piece is created using any available techniques and materials (natural and man-made) to develop a look unique to a specific style or medium. Faux techniques include but are not limited to: faux leather, faux stonework, patina, gold/silver leafing, antiquing, crackle finishes, faux ivory, and faux bead work. 


M-13 Combination of Techniques – Any theme; at least 4 different techniques must be used; MUST submit a list of the techniques used, to be displayed with your entry.


Masters Entry Classes Based on Theme


M-14 Bowl or Vase – Any combination of techniques and embellishments allowed. Can be functional or decorative.


M-15 Covered Container – Lid may be part of the gourd or constructed from other materials; any combination of techniques.


M-16 Items with Handles: Basket, Pitcher, Teapot, etc. – Handles can be made from the base gourd, gourd parts, or other materials such as antler, sticks, and woven fibers.


M-17 Creatures of the Land, Sea, or Air – Any technique is allowed. Entries can depict a realistic theme of creatures such as animals, people, fish, and birds or a more magical, supernatural theme like dragons, wizards, and bizarre creatures.


M-18 Gourd Doll/Spirit Figure – Constructed entirely of gourds; clay or wood filler may be used to seal or smooth joints); any combination of techniques; accessories are allowed.


M-19 Lamp – Functional with electrical insert; base, column, and/or shade may be made from a gourd. Some components of the lamp may be from wood, metal, or may be purchased; any combination of techniques. Gourd must predominate.


M-20 Luminary – Cut-through gourd design with light source insert; any combination of techniques. A luminary is judged on its reflection of light design in a darkened room. A photo should be included showing the lighted luminary in a darkened room. Quality of illumination will impact judge’s decision.


M-21 Miniature – Any technique. Gourd (including stem and embellishments) must be three inches or less in height, length, and width. (Jewelry and holiday items are not allowed.)


M-22 Ethnic/Cultural – Designs that incorporate cultural, tribal, historical or ceremonial motifs. Examples: Native American, southwest, oriental, African, etc. Any combination of techniques is allowed.


M-23 Holidays and/or Seasons – Artwork represents things associated with specific seasons. These include winter, spring, summer, and fall. This includes but is not limited to, holidays within those seasons. Any combination of techniques and embellishments (natural and man-made) may be used.


M-24 Wearable Jewelry, hats, purses, belts, etc.  Any combination of techniques. Sets (such as jewelry) MUST be displayed together in a box, case, on a board or stand, but the method of display will not be judged.  Masks are not included in this category as they are categorized with wall hangings.


M-25 Musical Instrument – Any combination of techniques; must be playable.


M-26 Wall Hangings – Masks, wreaths, clocks, quilts, or other hanging decorative decor made from gourds. Any techniques and embellishments allowed. Must be ready to hang on the wall or have a stand for display at the show. May be mounted on a board, canvas, or in a frame. 


M-27 My Way! – Your unique gourd crafting that fits no other competition class in the Advanced division. This class will be judged on the unique character/design of the crafted gourd; use of new and/or unusual techniques, accessories, or embellishments; artistic impact; and skilled workmanship.


M-28 “Gone Fishing” 2024 Theme – Gourd art focuses on the festival theme for the year. Any combination of techniques and any embellishments are allowed.


Category 2: Other

Judging Points for Other Classes

  • 50% Workmanship:  skill, technique and attention to detail
  • 40% Creativity:  originality and impact of design; use of color and line; enhancement of gourds natural beauty and shape.
  • 10% Gourd Quality:  gourd variety, size, shape and structure “fit” well with the overall design used.


Everyone can enter the “Other” classes even if you have entered in other divisions and categories.


Other Entry Classes


O-1 “Gourds in other Media” Item An art/craft item which is not made with gourds but has a gourd subject or theme such as painting, sketch, photograph, writing, bead work, lathed gourd shapes, quilt, embroidery, stained glass, leather tooling, pottery, etc.


O-2 Collaborative or Group An entry created by 2 or more artists, any allowable technique(s) or theme may be used.  All skill levels are allowed – for example, a group of four artists could have 2 who are Intermediate, 1 Novice and 1 Advanced.  Any number of gourds, or parts of gourds may be used to create 1 entry.  Names of participants and their contribution MUST be included on the back of the Entry Tag.  One ribbon will be awarded for this class and the entry is NOT eligible for Best of Show.  An individual is limited to only one collaborative project. (Please designate only one person to register the entry. All participants should be listed on the registration form.)


O-3 Crafting with Manipulated Gourds SMGS loves to honor the home-grown dried gourd category for Manipulated Gourds. This category is specifically for crafting with those wonderful manipulated gourds. Entries entered do not have to be grown by the crafting artist.

Category 3: Growers

The Growers Category are for entries of gourds in their natural state.

  • Gourds must have been grown by the exhibitor.
  • Gourds must have stems, be mature, and true to type.
  • Gourds must be clean of outer skin, unfinished, and uncut.
  • Gourds must not have any stain, oil, or wax applied to them.

Judging Points for Growers

  • 50% Cultural Perfection: mature, clean, and free of imperfections, such as bug scars, etc.
  • 50% True to Type: represents the ideal shape and size of its type name

Growers Entry Classes


G-1 Largest Gourd Circumference; measured at widest diameter. 


G-2 Smallest Gourd Height (length) and circumference combined; both measurements added together and the circumference to be measured at widest diameter.


G-3 Shortest and Straightest Dipper gourd 


G-4 Longest and Straightest Dipper gourd 


G-5 Longest – Long gourd or snake gourd, not a dipper gourd, measured straight from top to bottom. 


G-6 Odd or Unusual Deformity as a result of natural growth; not hand-trained or artificially malformed or constricted.


G-7 Conformation 3 gourds of any variety that are identical in size and shape. 


G-8 Luffa 3 dried, prepared (peeled), and identical in size.



Any manipulated or molded gourd grown by the entrant since 2009 when the JSA (Jim Story Award) was established is eligible for entry this year, provided it has not won a previous JSA competition.  This class will be judged according to the JSA criteria. Winners of this class may be eligible to compete for the Jim Story Award in the American Gourd Society (AGS) competition.  Please refer to the AGS website and read the requirements for this award if interested in advancing to the Jim Story level as the requirements are very specific for entry.  Please notify the Competition Chair if pursuing the Jim Story Award, as additional information may need to be submitted to the AGS by the grower and the Competition Chair. Green cleaned preferred but not required, please note on entry tag.  


G-9 Hand-trained One dried, cleaned, hand trained gourd (knotted or twisted during growth)


G-10 Molded Grown in a commercial or homemade mold. 


G-11 Multiple Gourds Manipulated Together Multiple gourds inseparably hand trained together (knotted or twisted during growth). Final entry can be grown in different years, such as a green, growing gourd manipulated around a previously grown and dried manipulated gourd.


Gourd Society questions? Contact: Madonna Watermon, SMGS president

 SMGS Website questions? Contact: Lynda Roberson



copyright 2022 Show Me Gourd Society