Wild Hog Gourd Patch

Wild Hog Gourd Patch, located in northern Arkansas, is part of the Show Me Gourd Society. Everyone in the vicinity is invited to participate. For information about meetings contact Brenda Saffioti: mt.viewbrendajoe@hotmail.com
Anyone wishing to join the Wild Hogs Gourd Patch of Arkansas or attend a meeting should contact Barbara Moore to let her know and get directions: lmoore@flippinweb.com.


The newly formed gourd patch had its first ever meeting at the studio of Barbara Moore in Flippin, Arkansas. 12 people were in attendance, and everyone was enthusiastic about getting our patch off the ground.

Barbara Moore was elected president, and Suzy Meelhuysen was elected Secretary/Treasurer. We voted on dues of $10 per person per year to pay booth fees and other odds and ends. Dues were paid by all in attendance, and will be due every May. We decided to have a patch booth next year at the SMGS festival in Springfield, with each member contributing 4 finished pieces for display and sale. 10 percent of any sales will go to the patch fund.

We needed a name for our patch, and several names were suggested, including: Razorback Cannonballs, Wild About Gourds, Natural Patch, Ozark Mountain Patch, and Wild Hogs Gourd Patch. All voted and "Wild Hogs" won the day. So welcome to the Wild Hogs Gourd Patch of Arkansas.


Gourd Society questions? Contact: Madonna Watermon, SMGS president

 SMGS Website questions? Contact: Lynda Roberson



copyright 2022 Show Me Gourd Society