Gourd Craft Suppliers

The links provided on this site have been verified as active at the time of posting. Please let us know if you find links no longer working.

Blue Whale Arts

A large array of gourd tools and supplies from New Hampshire


The Canning Shop

Gourd crafting supplies, tools, and books.


Primitive Originals

Artwork and craft supplies from Georgia


Turtle Feathers

All manner of gourd supplies, including wood burners, Gilders Paste, and Inlace inlay material


Welburn Gourd Farms

Great source of gourds and gourd tools, dyes, inks, etc.

Woodcarvers Supply, Inc.

Pyrography, carving tools, and supplies.



Gourd Society questions? Contact: Madonna Watermon, SMGS president

 SMGS Website questions? Contact: Lynda Roberson



copyright 2022 Show Me Gourd Society